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Laser cutting and engraving

Laser processing is used both in promotional products for branding and blanks for further use. With our own equipment, which consists of 4 different machines, we perform laser cutting, engraving and perforation on the following materials: textiles, foam rubber up to 30 mm, plastic up to 6 mm, genuine, eco-leather, felt, cardboard, plexiglass up to 6mm (intended for cutting) and plywood.
Laser processing types
Laser cutting
The latest and most technologically advanced type of cutting today, providing ultra-precise cutting along a given contour. By laser burning through sheet materials, complex shapes can be cut and almost waste-free production can be achieved.
  • perfect and precise cutting
  • sealing of edges
  • 1 mm offset parts positioning on the cutting blade

Maximum canvas size: 150x93 cm

Manufacturing time: from 1 day to 5 days

Examples of works

Laser engraving
The process of laser engraving (inscription or image) is applied to a surface by removing the top layer with a laser beam, it can be performed with a micron change in the depth of its impact, which makes it possible to achieve almost 3D images.
  • perfect precision
  • complex and structural images
  • durability of application

Maximum canvas size: 150x93 cm

Manufacturing time: from 1 day to 5 days

Examples of works

Laser perforation
Laser perforation is a technology that uses a pulsed heat source with high power density and short dwell time (shorter than laser cutting) for perforation. The beam of directed light acts directly on the processing site, leaving no melted edges. The cut does not require overlap processing. This method makes it possible to make hole shapes without restrictions: standard - round, square, triangular, hexagonal and arbitrary in the shape of animals, objects, people, fairy-tale creatures.
  • perfect accuracy
  • the ability to perform perforations with a specified pitch from 0.01 cm
  • sealing the edge of the material
  • reduction of waste

Maximum canvas size: 150x93 cm

Manufacturing time: from 1 day to 5 days

Examples of works